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TRED(1) FreeBSD General Commands Manual TRED(1)
NAME tred - transitive reduction filter for directed graphs
SYNOPSIS tred [ -vr? ] [ files ]
DESCRIPTION tred computes the transitive reduction of directed graphs, and prints the resulting graphs to standard output. This removes edges implied by transitivity. Nodes and subgraphs are not otherwise affected. The ``meaning'' and validity of the reduced graphs is application dependent. tred is particularly useful as a preprocessor to dot to reduce clutter in dense layouts.
Undirected graphs are silently ignored.
OPTIONS The following options are supported:
-v Verbose output to stderr.
-r Print information of removed edges to stderr.
-? Print usage information.
OPERANDS The following operand is supported:
files Names of files containing 1 or more graphs in dot format. If no files operand is specified, the standard input will be used.
BUGS Using bitmaps internally would substantially decrease running time.
DIAGNOSTICS If a graph has cycles, its transitive reduction is not uniquely defined. In this case tred emits a warning.
AUTHORS Stephen C. North <> Emden R. Gansner <>
SEE ALSO gc(1), dot(1), acyclic(1), gvpr(1), gvcolor(1), ccomps(1), sccmap(1), libgraph(3)
21 March 2001 TRED(1)