FreeBSD manual

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NAME findline() - finds a line that has a matching field
SYNOPSIS int findline(fname,delim,string,field,array,arraysize) char *fname; /* file name */ char delim; /* field delimiter */ char *string; /* string to match */ int field; /* field number to match, 0-n */ char *array[]; /* array to fill pointers in */ int arraysize; /* number of entries in the arrays */
DESCRIPTION findline() retrieves specific fields from the first line of the file fname.
findline() fills in array with pointers to strings that make up the fields on the line. The strings are allocated new storage. The field delimiter, delim, is used to break up each line of the file into fields. string is the string to match. fieldno is the field number to match. Fields are numbered 0..n. array is an array of pointers to fill in. arraysize is the number of elements in the array.
RETURNS +1 match.
-1 no match.
-2 arg error.
-3 cannot open file.
-4 not enough memory to allocate space for fields.
NOTES Each line of the file must be less than 512 characters long.
Joerg Schilling 2022/09/09 FINDLINE(3)