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SAMBA_GPOUPDATE(8) System Administration tools SAMBA_GPOUPDATE(8)
NAME samba-gpupdate - apply group policy
SYNOPSIS samba-gpupdate
samba-gpupdate [options]
DESCRIPTION This tool is part of the samba(1) suite.
samba-gpupdate a script for applying and unapplying Group Policy. Group Policy application is experimental. Currently this applies password policies (minimum/maximum password age, minimum password length, and password complexity) and kerberos policies (user/service ticket lifetime and renew lifetime).
OPTIONS -h, --help show this help message and exit
-H URL, --url=URL URL for the samdb
-X, --unapply Unapply Group Policy
--target {Computer | User}
Samba Common Options:
-s FILE, --configfile=FILE Configuration file
-d DEBUGLEVEL, --debuglevel=DEBUGLEVEL debug level
--option=OPTION set smb.conf option from command line
--realm=REALM set the realm name
Version Options:
-V, --version Display version number
Credentials Options:
--simple-bind-dn=DN DN to use for a simple bind
--password=PASSWORD Password
-U USERNAME, --username=USERNAME Username
-W WORKGROUP, --workgroup=WORKGROUP Workgroup
-N, --no-pass Don't ask for a password
-k KERBEROS, --kerberos=KERBEROS Use Kerberos
--ipaddress=IPADDRESS IP address of server
-P, --machine-pass Use stored machine account password