FreeBSD manual

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ldns-revoke(1) FreeBSD General Commands Manual ldns-revoke(1)
NAME ldns-revoke - sets the revoke bit of a DNSKEY
SYNOPSIS ldns-revoke file

DESCRIPTION ldns-revoke is used to revoke a public DNSKEY RR. When run it will read file with a DNSKEY RR in it, sets the revoke bit and write back the output to file .

OPTIONS -n Write the result to stdout instead of a file

AUTHOR Written by the ldns team as an example for ldns usage.

REPORTING BUGS Report bugs to <>.

COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2008 NLnet Labs. This is free software. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
23 Jul 2008 ldns-revoke(1)